Refugee Report

Focused on telling the stories of Hello Neighbor and resettled refugees

Explore Hello Neighbor Services

What is Hello Neighbor?

Hello Neighbor is an organization working to welcome refugees into the Pittsburgh area.

How do they help?

They help to improve the lives of refugees through connecting them with neighbors, helping with resettlement, and so much more.

Who do they focus on?

Their main three programs focus on Smart Start for pregnant or new mothers, Study Buddies for students, and mentorship for all refugees.

An Editorial From The Staff

Refugees Make America Great

The widespread idea in America that refugees and asylum seekers make the country poorer is an outrageously misguided narrative. The truth is that for hundreds of years, refugees have brought diversity and resilience to our communities, contributing to our economy and enriching our culture. 

The Refugee Process

Referral: Step One

Receive a referral to the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) for consideration

Application: Step Two

Refugee files an official application with the USRAP, usually with the help of resettlement support centers

Interview: Step Three

The individual seeking refugee status will be interviewed by a USCIS officer who will then determine eligibility for refugee resettlement

Screenings: Step Four

Refugees will go through a series of screenings including medical screenings and security checks

Travel Plans: Step Five

A request for sponsorship assurance of the refugee(s) will be sent to resettlement agencies and the International Organization of Migration

Entrance: Step Six

The individual(s) seeking refugee will legally be allowed to enter into the United States